From Grimoire's Black Book, Middle Ages
Burdock seeds in a martar pounde them. Add of three-yeris-old goat ye lefte testycle and from ye back heris of whyte whelpe on e pynche of poudre, ye heris to be cutte on ye firste daye of ye newe mone and burne on ye seventh daye. Infuse alle ye items in a bottel halfe fylled with brandye. Leve uncorked twenty-one dayes to receive astral influence. Cook on ye twenty-firste daye until ye thicke consistency is reched. Add four droppes of crocodyle semen an passe throgh a fylter. Rubbe mixture on genitalia and await ye result.
Lucayos Cook Book, 1660
To increase Ye Powers..
Take a Cock-Sparrow and pluck it whilst living, then throw it to ten wasps who will sting it to death. Add the intestines of a Black Raven and Oil of Lilac plus Chamomile. cook all in Beef-Fat until the flesh is in shreds. Put into a bottle and hold near for use. Ye shall see Marvels
American Negro Folklore
Place a live frog in an anthill and leave until the ants have cleaned the bones; then take the heart shaped bone and the hook-shaped bone; keep the first yourself but hook the second in the clothing of a loved one.
A 17th Century Aphrodisiac Rump of Beef
Take a rump of beef and season it with nutmegs grated, and some Pepper and Salt mingled together, and season the beef on the bony side; lay it in a pipkin with the fat side downward. Take three pints of Elder-wine vinegar, and as much water, and three great onions, and a bunch of rosemary tied up together: put them all into the pipkin, and stew them three or four hours together with a soft fire, being covered close. Then dish it up upon sippets, blowing off the fat from the gravy; and some of the gravy put on the beef, and serve it up.
An Ancient Chinese love potion
Pound the shell of a male venus's comb (a mullosk) to a very fine powder, add some urine, and let stand for three days, after which time put it out at noon to dry in the sund. Then dip this in donkey-water and allow it to steep another threee days. Again let it dry in the noonday sun and then sprinkle it lightly with the dew of flower blossoms; this will disperse the odor of the urine. Drink from the solution at the time of copulation and you will be endowed with extraoridinary potency.
Burdock seeds in a martar pounde them. Add of three-yeris-old goat ye lefte testycle and from ye back heris of whyte whelpe on e pynche of poudre, ye heris to be cutte on ye firste daye of ye newe mone and burne on ye seventh daye. Infuse alle ye items in a bottel halfe fylled with brandye. Leve uncorked twenty-one dayes to receive astral influence. Cook on ye twenty-firste daye until ye thicke consistency is reched. Add four droppes of crocodyle semen an passe throgh a fylter. Rubbe mixture on genitalia and await ye result.
Lucayos Cook Book, 1660
To increase Ye Powers..
Take a Cock-Sparrow and pluck it whilst living, then throw it to ten wasps who will sting it to death. Add the intestines of a Black Raven and Oil of Lilac plus Chamomile. cook all in Beef-Fat until the flesh is in shreds. Put into a bottle and hold near for use. Ye shall see Marvels
American Negro Folklore
Place a live frog in an anthill and leave until the ants have cleaned the bones; then take the heart shaped bone and the hook-shaped bone; keep the first yourself but hook the second in the clothing of a loved one.
A 17th Century Aphrodisiac Rump of Beef
Take a rump of beef and season it with nutmegs grated, and some Pepper and Salt mingled together, and season the beef on the bony side; lay it in a pipkin with the fat side downward. Take three pints of Elder-wine vinegar, and as much water, and three great onions, and a bunch of rosemary tied up together: put them all into the pipkin, and stew them three or four hours together with a soft fire, being covered close. Then dish it up upon sippets, blowing off the fat from the gravy; and some of the gravy put on the beef, and serve it up.
An Ancient Chinese love potion
Pound the shell of a male venus's comb (a mullosk) to a very fine powder, add some urine, and let stand for three days, after which time put it out at noon to dry in the sund. Then dip this in donkey-water and allow it to steep another threee days. Again let it dry in the noonday sun and then sprinkle it lightly with the dew of flower blossoms; this will disperse the odor of the urine. Drink from the solution at the time of copulation and you will be endowed with extraoridinary potency.